Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Two Minute Rule

Max Holman was sentenced to ten years in prison for a bank robbery. An hour before his release from prison, Max gets the worst news of his life.  His son, Richard Holman, who ironically was a Los Angeles police officer, was shot dead the night before, along with three other officers.  Max wants to know why. 

When he goes to the police for answers they only give him more questions.  So naturally, Max keeps asking them questions, but the police just aren’t answering them.  So the police get sick of Max’s questions they tell him Richard was a dirty cop and a drunk.  Max won't believe them though, because he knows that his son wasn't like him.  He decides that the police aren’t going to help him and that if he wants to find out what happened to his boy he’s going to have to investigate for himself.  But there is only so much an ex-con can do, and Max needs help.  So he asks one of the few people he trusts for help, the woman who arrested him and put him away for ten years, Katherine Pollard.

The Two Minute Rule by Robert Crais is awesome, and it’s defiantly going on list of favorite books.  I would recommend it anyone loves to read stories of action and mystery.

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