Friday, March 25, 2011

Fire Will Fall

Months ago, Trinity Falls’ water supply was poisoned with a deadly virus developed by a group of bioterrorists called Shadowstrike.   Shadowstrike used the small neighborhood to test the virus’s effectiveness.  The virus has four stages. The fifth stage will kill you, there is no cure for the fourth, and only stages one, two, and three have a cure.  The virus's first fatality was Cora Holman's mother, who was quickly followed by a neighbor.   Teenagers, Cora, Scott, Owen, and Rain all have stage four of the virus.  The government treats the virus like an immune disease, and isolates the four in an old mansion, until scientists figure out how to send the virus into remission.  Together, the four teenagers try to keep their lives as normal as possible, but it’s just not working out for them.  Cora is haunted by her mother's ghost, no one is sure that Owen will live long enough to be cured, Rain can’t stand the isolation, and Scott’s anything but positive.

While this is going on, the government is trying to hunt down the remaining members of Shadowstrike, before they launch another experiment, with a virus ten-times as lethal as the one they used at Trinity Falls.

Fire Will Fall by Carol Plum-Ucci is the sequel to The Streams of Babel.  It is story of forgiveness, betrayal, and secrets. I would recommend this book to anyone.

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