Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Forgotten Man

Detective Elvis Cole has finally gotten the call he spent all of his childhood waiting for, and it arrived at 3:58 in the morning.  After responding to a gunshot, the LAPD found an injured man in an alley.  The man confided to the officer on the scene that he was looking for his son, Elvis Cole, mere moments before he died.  The dead man has no identification, and the only personal belonging that the LAPD can find in his pockets is a slip of paper that bares Elvis Cole’s phone number.   The LAPD contacts Elvis, hoping that he will be able to identify the dead man, but Elvis has never seen the man before in his life. Elvis and the mystery man look nothing alike, which makes Elvis positive that the man is not his father. 
Elvis’s curiosity has been sparked though, and he decides to investigate the man for himself, an investigation that the LAPD advised him against.  His investigation leads him to a horrendous murder case that has gone cold, and a survivor desperate for retribution.  The Forgotten Man by Robert Crais is a mystery full of twists and turns, that just make you keep the pages turning, and I would recommend it to anyone.

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