Thursday, May 19, 2011


All-in by Pete Hautman is a good book, and I would recommend it to anyone who likes to read good poker stories.
Denn Doyle makes his living by playing high-stakes Texas holdem.  He’s seventeen and it’s not even legal for him to gamble, but he doesn’t care and it doesn’t stop him.  Denn has a knack for finding and reading tells.   It’s earned him thousands of dollars and a lot of enemies, particularly Artie Kingston, who Denn one a nightclub off in a poker game months earlier. Things are going good for him, until his card dealing girlfriend sets him up in a poker game for ten-thousand-dollars, leaving him nearly flat broke.   Denn has one chance to make a comeback and that’s a million-dollar, winner-take-all tournament, held at Artie Kingston’s brand new casino.   There‘s only one problem though, and that’s the ten-thousand-dollar entry fee.  Denn tries to get the money by playing low-stake tournaments, but he quickly realizes that that will take too long.  He asks his best friend, Jimbo, for a loan, but is quickly shot down.   Soon, Denn’s out of options and sure he’s not going to get the money together in time.                                                                                                                                                                                

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