Friday, May 27, 2011

Crossing the Wire

Crossing the Wire by Will Hobbs is a really good book.  I would recommend it to anyone who enjoys reading contemporary fiction.   
Fifteen-year-old Victor Flores lives in central Mexico.  Victor is a farmer.  Since his father past away, he’s been taking care of his mother and five younger siblings.  His family’s survival depends on selling the corn he grows, but lately the price of corn has been dropping every year.  This year it dropped so low that there is no point in growing more corn than his family can eat.  Victor has an idea, though.  His best friend Rico has just left for the United States.  Rico has experienced men to travel with and coyote money to pay the smugglers who sneak illegals across the border.  He has everything Victor does not.  Victor has heard stories of people who travel across the border alone though, and he knows that if he wants his family to survive he’ll have to cross the border and find work in the U.S.

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