Friday, May 13, 2011


 Closer the fourth installment in the Tunnel series, by Rodrick Gordon and Brian Williams, is very well written and nearly impossible to put down.  In my opinion, the series is better than Harry Potter, and will be even more popular after its movie is released. The suspense is there from the first page until the very last, and it just increases as the book goes on.  The suspense is the same with the other three books in the series (Tunnels, Deeper, and Freefall), too.  One of my favorite things about reading Closer, and the other three books, is that the moment you think you know what’s going to happen next, something completely unthinkable happens.  The book is action-packed, full of adventure, humor, and the unthinkable.
            The series revolves around Will Burrows, and his adventures in a mysterious world that he never knew existed, a world that Will was smuggled out of as a baby.  It’s a world where everything, even the humans living in it, are controlled.  Anyone who breaks the rules is put to death, or exiled to a place where death is almost certain.  Outsiders who discover this world, or even come close to finding it, are almost always put to death.  For Will, what had started out as a search for his father quickly turns into a matter of life, death, and survival.  I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys reading fantasy.  Below, is the book's trailer.

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